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In this edition of The Vibe, we’re catching up with our good friend Jorge Aguilar, a creative director working with EatWasted – transforming leftover bread into delicious pasta. Really delicious pasta. Just ask Michelin-star chef René Redzepi. We chatted with him about style icons, being ready when opportunity presents itself, and missing Mexico City.



What do you do for a living?
I’m a creative and art director based in Copenhagen. Most of my time, I’m doing all things brand, design, and creativity at EatWasted, which I co-founded two years ago. We transform leftover bread from bakeries into delicious pasta products and host community-based experiences. I also do creative direction, branding, and consulting for like-minded brands looking to build stronger connections with their audiences through KART — STUDIO.

In your opinion, what is the best thing to wear with loafers? I like dressing casually, so I personally think loafers look great with jeans. Sometimes, I'll even dress them down with a T-shirt, shorts, or a hat. But really, there are no wrong answers when it comes to loafers, I feel.

What is your favorite city to visit? It used to be Tokyo for a long time, but ever since I moved to Copenhagen, I look forward to going back home to Mexico City. It fuels me with energy and inspiration – I get to see family, friends, and eat really, really well. I always come back refreshed with new ideas.

Who is your style icon and why? I’m a fan of a number of modern artists, but I’d say Donald Glover is definitely an icon for me. He inspires me a lot to think outside the box. I like how he seamlessly transitions between a lot of high-quality projects at the same time. As a creative person, you have to learn to wear many hats. But it changes from day to day, to be honest.

Why is it important for you to make an effort?
Someone once said, “If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you play good.” I couldn't agree more. It’s crucial to look sharp and be ready for the opportunity to make something happen. You never know.